Land Rover Oil Change Services in Hinsdale, IL

When your off-road-ready SUV is due for an oil change, we naturally provide what you need at a quality that you would expect from a Land Rover authorized dealership. We provide a full-synthetic oil change service for diesel and gasoline engines by a factory-certified technician installing genuine OEM motor oil and oil filters. We invite you to review our current service specials for the oil change that you need at Land Rover Hinsdale.

Driving Conditions and Oil Change Intervals

Land Rover is committed to oil change accuracy and provides specific recommendations based on the model year and light, moderate, or extreme driving conditions. When the oil monitoring system triggers the oil service light, Land Rover also recommends several inspections proven to help keep your SUV running at its best. Inspections alongside oil changes are valuable because they will help to prevent excessive engine wear and tear contingent upon driving conditions and style. Your Land Rover oil change interval could be as short as 3,000 miles under extreme conditions and up to 10,000 miles in light conditions.

Land Rover recommends referencing the owner’s manual and following the maintenance lights when prompted.

  • Full Synthetic – We strive to complete your oil change service according to Land Rover service standards by a factory-certified technician installing the highest quality genuine OEM full-synthetic motor oil and oil filter. We will drain the old oil from the engine, lubricate fittings, inspect the engine for leaks, and will then install fresh motor oil and filter to specifications.

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  • Semi-Synthetic – This special blend of conventional and synthetic oil can provide some of the benefits of both: it’s less expensive than full synthetic oil, but keeps your engine cleaner than conventional.

  • Conventional – Made from refined crude oil, conventional engine oil keeps your engine’s moving metal components lubricated so that they will not be damaged by friction.

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  • Diesel – We provide a specialized diesel engine oil change service for such models using the recommended full-synthetic motor oil and genuine OEM oil filter. If a Land Rover needs diesel engine oil change service, we can complete every one that you will ever need quickly and conveniently.

The Land Rover – Castrol EDGE Professional Partnership

If you are interested in the ideal motor oil for your Land Rover, it will meet the newest specifications for optimal performance. After rigorous testing and development, Land Rover has partnered with Castrol to offer your SUV the best motor oil in Castrol Edge Professional Full-Synthetic. Every new Land Rover leaves assembly with an engine full of this type of oil because it works in harmony with the Land Rover engine.

Land Rover Oil Change Service

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Land Rover Hinsdale 41.8167838, -87.9226507.