Wheel Alignment Service at Land Rover Hinsdale, IL

If you drive a Land Rover, you know firsthand just how incredible the driving experience is. But whether you drive on city streets or you take unexplored dirt trails, the wheels will eventually fall out of alignment, which will compromise both the quality and the safety of your drive. Misaligned wheels can also result in uneven tire wear, making tire replacement necessary sooner. To ensure that your Land Rover continues to deliver exceptional safety and drive quality, we recommend that you come to Land Rover Hinsdale for wheel alignment service. Discover more about this service on this page, and then see what makes Land Rover Hinsdale the premier Land Rover service center near Naperville, Wheaton, and Lombard.

What Happens During Wheel Alignment Service?

When you come to Land Rover Hinsdale for a wheel alignment, our technicians will check the suspension components and the three main angles of wheel alignment: the camber, toe, and caster angles.

The camber angle refers to the wheels’ inward or outward tilt when viewed from the front or rear. Toe angle refers to something similar: the wheels’ tilt when viewed from above or below. Finally, the caster angle is the difference between the steering axis and vertical.

If our technicians find that these angles are not what they should be, they will make precise adjustments to bring the angles back to factory specifications.


What Kind of Wheel Alignment Does My Land Rover Need?

If you have a vehicle with two-wheel drive or a four-wheel-drive vehicle with a solid rear axle, it will probably need only two-wheel alignment. However, all-wheel drive vehicles and four-wheel drive vehicles with independent rear suspension will require four-wheel alignment.

  • Two-Wheel Alignment – Also known as a front-end alignment, two-wheel alignment is generally performed on vehicles with a solid rear axle; it involves inspecting and adjusting the camber, toe, and caster angles on the front wheels.

  • Four-Wheel Alignment – Vehicles with independent or semi-independent rear suspensions will need to have the camber, toe, and caster angles inspected and adjusted on all four wheels; this is also called an all-wheel alignment.

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How Often Does My Land Rover Need Wheel Alignment Service?

In general, it’s a good idea to have your wheels aligned annually. However, this service may be needed more frequently if you partake in off-road adventures or notice symptoms of misaligned wheels (including an uneven steering wheel or your vehicle pulling to one side as you drive).

Wheel Alignment Service

Schedule Wheel Alignment Service at Land Rover Hinsdale, Serving Chicago, IL

When the time comes for you to have your Land Rover’s wheels aligned, we invite you to visit us at Land Rover Hinsdale. Schedule your appointment online, and then stop by our service center. We look forward to helping you keep your Land Rover performing at its peak for years to come.

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Land Rover Hinsdale 41.8167838, -87.9226507.